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Gruppo WISE: Published Impact Report 2023

Gruppo WISE presents its 2023 Impact Report, accounting for the commitment made during the year to combine corporate success with a positive impact on the community and the environment. In compliance with its status as a benefit company, it has worked to generate shared value, pursuing social and environmental sustainability objectives in increasingly new ways. The document testifies to the progress made in this direction, offering a detailed overview of the actions undertaken and the results obtained.

The agency has worked on different and complementary lines of intervention. In fact, it has implemented initiatives and investments aimed at creating value for employees, including training and professional development, the promotion of psychophysical well-being and the enhancement of diversity and inclusion.
Furthermore, good practices have been adopted aimed at limiting its environmental impact, such as the adoption of eco-compatible actions, the optimization of energy consumption and the use of renewable sources and the promotion of sustainable mobility.

Gruppo WISE has also lent its professional, organizational and ideational activity in the creation of projects to support the local community, supporting non-profit associations, socially useful projects and raising awareness on the issues of active citizenship. The document, in the 2023 edition, starting from the title itself “The path as commitment”, intends to give an account to the internal population and external stakeholders of the commitment made and the objectives achieved, but, above all, it wishes to focus attention on the future.

Being a benefit corporation, in fact, for Gruppo WISE means embarking on a journey in which ambition, commitment and creativity constantly push towards ever new actions and objectives to be achieved which are, every day, more challenging and sustainable.

The 2023 Impact Report can be consulted online by clicking HERE.